All events of the year in the project: presentation in 14 languages

All events of the year in the project: presentation in 14 languages

We continue to sum up the results of 2022 and funding stage 17, which has been running for the entire ongoing year.

For a more graphic assessment of all the project's achievements over the past period, we have traditionally prepared a presentation of key events.

You will learn about:
- "Sovelmash" D&E construction progress,
- the work highlights and developments of "Sovelmash",
- interesting guests at the construction site,
- media articles,
- "Sovelmash" participating in events,
- the "Slavyanka" technology development worldwide,
- the investment activities in the project.

The presentation has been translated into 14 languages. Link to view and download.

Explore the presentation to keep up to date with the project development and use it in your partner activities!

Earlier we summed up the results of the project's information promotion at stage 17.