Questions&Answers. Are the plans for the plant construction being elaborated?

Questions&Answers. Are the plans for the plant construction being elaborated?

The construction camp on the "SovElMash" site in "Technopolis "Moscow" is being built, and the project's investors are interested if it will be possible to build not just a design and engineering department, but a plant.

In one of the episodes of the "Expert Time" program, Dmitriy Duyunov explained that this possibility was being considered. In case there are excess funds, the plant can be built directly in "Alabushevo", although there are also some other location options. In fact, the project documentation that has passed the state expert examination provides for the construction of a manufacturing enterprise. According to the project, one part of the innovative center is completely experimental, while the other part is responsible for ensuring a complete process flow for the production of a specific motor, demonstrating the technology feasibility and producing a pilot batch of motors used for training the customer's specialists.

The production area can be increased if necessary, this will require to introduce some minor modifications to the project.

The project documentation prepared by Duyunov's team is a foundation not only for the innovative center in "Technopolis "Moscow". It can be used for building similar enterprises anywhere.

For detailed comments on this topic from Dmitriy Duyunov, watch the video.