Victor Arestov gets the Weihai Friendship Award

Victor Arestov gets the Weihai Friendship Award

On August 31, 2022, foreign experts and engineers gathered in Weihai City, Shandong Province, China, for a meeting on innovative cooperation. The event was held by the Talent Leadership Team Office of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and was organized by the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Department and Weihai Municipal People's Government. One of the main events of the meeting was awarding the winners of the 2022 Weihai Friendship Award. Victor Arestov, head of ASPP Weihai Technology and the partner of "Sovelmash", was among the awardees.

During the events, a conference was held, which highlighted that since 2019, the Shandong Government had been attracting famous foreign experts and teams with cutting-edge technologies, inviting experts from around the world to hold workshops, talks and science and technology research.

There was also a forum and special session for foreign engineers, a series of networking events for cooperation in Shandong Province.

The most important thing in this event is to build up the circle of future "Slavyanka" technology consumers, partners and customers. Dozens of companies that use electric motors, including power tools, attended the events. There are areas where potential partners experience problems specifically with the drives of their systems. Therefore, official events of this level, recognition and awards from the Government are very important and pave the way for Victor Arestov and "Sovelmash" to the sales markets, the way to future customers and partners.

Today, Shandong Province is a stepping stone for international cooperation with Japan and South Korea, as well as for creating a high-level international innovative platform.

Our congratulations to Victor Arestov on such a high award!