SOLARGROUP Telegram bot updated

SOLARGROUP Telegram bot updated

Dear friends! The SOLARGROUP Telegram bot has been updated. Now you can perform multiple actions without logging into your back office account.

You can install the bot this way. Click on your profile in the upper right hand corner of the back office. Choose "Settings" - "Integrations" - "Telegram" - "Link".

The bot's menu offers:

• Roadmap of the project
• Wallet. You can use the bot to top up your account, select the payment system, amount, etc. Adding funds is performed in the same way as in the back office.
• Status of your installment plan. You can check the status, number of months paid, date of your next payment. You can repay your installment plan by choosing a package, an account, how many monthly payments you would like to cover.
• New package. You can choose how you would like to pay - in a lump-sum payment or in installments, in a single or double payment, etc.
• Number of shares. You can check the number of your registered and unregistered shares.
• Referral link. If you are a partner, you can get your referral link and qr code here. If you haven't signed the partnership agreement yet, you can sign it right here.
• Partner program presentation, etc.

Now you don't need to log in to the back office to get the information you need and perform actions! The SOLARGROUP bot will help you choose and do what you need.

Soon the bot will have even more useful options! Stay tuned for more updates.