"Sovelmash" D&E construction | Latest news from D.A. Duyunov | Day 232

"Sovelmash" D&E construction | Latest news from D.A. Duyunov | Day 232

In a new video from the construction site, Dmitriy A. Duyunov will talk about the changes that have occurred recently.
To date, the firebreak wall has almost been completed, the cover of the shaft where the elevators and staircases are located has already been cast and the concrete is being heated. The 3rd floor interfloor slabs of the O&A building have also been cast with concrete, and one may say that the main concrete construction work in this part of the D&E has been completed. 
On Monday, January 24, the Astron builders started the installation of external insulation sandwich panels, and many other activities are also in progress.

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