Cost estimates on the main construction work are covered!

Cost estimates on the main construction work are covered!

Dear friends! The project has reached the stage we've all been waiting for.

The funds needed to complete the main construction work are available in the "Sovelmash" accounts! The remaining estimated work is 97% complete.

Dmitriy Duyunov announced the figures: "The contractor is underfunded by 139,500,000 rubles. This amount is available in the "Sovelmash" accounts, so the cost estimate can be regarded as covered... Congratulations to all the participants in the project on this achievement!"

This means that the funds necessary for obtaining the certificate of construction completion are available. There is some work left to be completed:

• asphalt pavement on part of the premises,
• connecting the second water inlet,
• installing a noise shield.

This will be followed by filing an application for re-inspection, which is required by law. And then the certificate of construction completion will be obtained.

But the need for investment does not end at this point. Funding will be needed for the remaining work that is not yet included in the cost estimates. But these are insignificant amounts compared to the total investment volume.

After obtaining the certificate of construction completion, investment will be needed to maintain the building and staff until the D&E reaches its revenue targets. This will be done at the final stage of the project funding. The exact amount will be announced later, after the calculations are done.

Dmitriy Duyunov: "Dear colleagues, we are at the finish line... What seemed very hard before, is done."

Watch the video to learn all the details and share it with others. Especially with those who still have doubts about the project!