An early start in investments for your child

An early start in investments for your child

How can you give your child a good start into adulthood and teach good financial habits? Start practising them yourself and take advice from acknowledged gurus.

Here are 3 tips from one of the greatest investors in history, Warren Buffett.

1. "Start young. I started to build this little snowball at the top of a very big long hill." Buffett himself started investing at the age of 11. The earlier you help your child build up their investment portfolio, the more time they have to grow their assets.
2. "Invest small amounts of money." This will allow you to fit investments more comfortably into your family's budget, especially if there are several children and each needs a different portfolio. Big capital starts with small steps.
3. "Buy parts of a good business at an attractive price." You can multiply your capital many times on the growth of small but promising companies.

The project "Duyunov's motors" offers every opportunity to follow the precepts of the oracle from Omaha.

You can buy an investment package for your child by paying in installments or in a lump sum. When your child comes of age, he or she will get his or her share in the "Sovelmash" engineering company.

Until July 31 inclusive, the "Minus 1 Stage on Child Packages" offer is in effect in our project. Its key benefit: you can purchase an investment package for your child at the "minus 1 stage" discount from the stage whose discount is available to you. This means that there will be more investment shares in the package this way than without the offer.

Find out more about the child packages and the offer by clicking here.

Investing for children has never been more accessible, profitable and promising than it is now!