"Sovelmash" D&E is completed: when will dividends be paid?

"Sovelmash" D&E is completed: when will dividends be paid?

On September 25, the state commission began its examination of the "Sovelmash" facility. Once the commission's comments are addressed, the certificate of construction completion will be issued and the project will proceed to the final funding stage.

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The D&E construction stage is nearing completion. Its result is very good - that's how third-party experts who have visited "Sovelmash" in person assess the facility. The building is a legally registered property.

What happens next: at the final funding stage and afterwards?

• Obtain the certificate of construction completion.
• Put the D&E into operation, start up all the process equipment.
• Redeem the land.
• Evaluate tangible and intangible assets and put them on the balance sheet.
• Reorganize OOO "Sovelmash" (limited liability company) into a joint-stock company. Transfer the company's shares to investors.
• Proceed to execute orders and pay dividends. Continue to develop and scale up the business.

The risks for investors at the final stage will be minimal and so will the discount for buying shares! A share in the project now costs an average of one-third less.

Should one invest in "Sovelmash" now or wait a bit longer? The decision is yours to make!
