Useful business habits

Useful business habits

There is a book - "Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals". It was written by Thomas Corley, the author who had spent five years studying the habits of rich and poor people. This is not the only author who has drawn this conclusion: it is habits that allow some to succeed and for others - block the path to success.

This does not mean that you have to immediately get rid of everything you care about just to become successful in business. Useful habits can be acquired gradually, and you can start with 10 simple ones:

1. Regulate your daily routine. Get up and go to bed at about the same time. It is recommended to get up early, but the main thing is that you feel comfortable and your body is adapted to the routine.

2. Write down your goals for each day.

3. Listen to yourself and take care of your health.

4. Evaluate your spendings every day this way: is this going to help me or not? Accordingly, learn to say "no", for example, when you are offered to pay for entertainment, and you are uncomfortable to refuse.

5. Don't hurry. There is a proverb in the Russian culture: If you rush, people will make fun of you ("haste makes waste"). It is better to find your balance between quality and quantity of tasks performed.

6. Don't be afraid of mistakes, learn from them. Just try to stop blaming yourself for every failure and think about how to do the same action better next time.

7. Don't be afraid to ask anything you don't understand.

8. Don't be afraid of people. They are afraid of you too! That is, they doubt themselves and their rightness, even when they try hard to show confidence. It's good to get used to thinking of people as vulnerable beings just like you, subject to the same fears and doubts.

9. Set aside some time to eat and exercise. That's right: special time. Ordering pizza at two a.m. is not a good habit. It is better to adjust your body to the eating and exercise routine gradually.

10. Meditate and invest. It is better to have several sources of income, and ideally - several sources of passive income. But any financial decision should be made in a calm state, meditation is very helpful to achieve it.

Habits shape the lifestyle. Let's see what successful people think about this.

Andrey Tretyakov, Managing Director at Plus Bank:
"I devote the last 30 minutes of every Friday to analyzing what has been done by me personally. It's a habit."

Jim Rohn, business coach, author of books on personal growth:
"A good life is defined by a well-formed lifestyle regardless of the size of your bank account. A lifestyle that gives you a constant sense of joy in life."

Robert Kiyosaki, entrepreneur, author of books on investing:
"We are slaves to our habits. Change your habits, and your life will change."

Og Mandino, writer, author of the sales book "The Greatest Salesman in the World":
"There is only one difference between a loser and a person who succeeds: the difference in their habits. Good habits are the key to every success; bad habits are a tightly closed door to the future."

Elbert Hubbard, writer, artist, author of essays on self-improvement:
"There are three necessary habits which, under all conditions, will make available every thing a man can imagine: the habit of labor, the habit of health, the habit of learning."

And here's what else helps successful people, although, at first glance, it may seem strange:

• Affirmations. These are any words that calm you down and motivate you to move forward. Repeat them to yourself, for example, when you are stressed or on bad days.
• Space. Clear your space. Relentlessly discard anything you don't need, distracts you, things you don't use. You can put it away somewhere for storage or give it to others if you feel bad about throwing it away.

Looked at the list of useful habits and realized you don't have them? That's not a problem either. Choose the one you like and focus on it for a week or a few weeks. So gradually, step by step, you can transform all your habits, making them not only pleasant, but also as useful as possible.

The most important habit is to evaluate your success in business not by quantitative indicators or even not by the growth of wealth, but by whether it makes you happier.