Preparations for heat supply to the "Sovelmash" D&E

Preparations for heat supply to the "Sovelmash" D&E

In a new report from the construction site, Alexander Sudarev talks about what work is now being done in the building of the future design and enginering technology department. 

The most important task is to prepare the building for heat supply before the cold weather hits. To install the heating equipment, you must first pour the finish concrete floor in those rooms on level one where it will be located. 

Therefore, the entire perimeter of the first floor in the testing and production part of the building is being waterproofed. After that, you can start pouring concrete. A large number of construction teams have been deployed to get the work done as quickly as possible. 

On the third floor, the formation of individual rooms is underway in which the ventilation grilles are already being mounted and in the future, ventilation equipment is to be installed there, too. This is needed for air purification, creating clean rooms in the D&E and for other tasks. 

The stage is not far off when the builders will proceed with the finishing interior decoration. Watch the video and follow our news to keep up with the progress of the "Sovelmash" D&E construction.