Is there any state backing for the "Sovelmash" project? | Section "Questions & Answers"

Is there any state backing for the "Sovelmash" project? | Section "Questions & Answers"

"If a project does not have any state backing, large-scale investments, strategic partners (manufacturers), the results of such a project are very questionable."
We received this comment in our "Questions 3333 Answers" section. Responding to it, Dmitry Alexandrovich Duyunov disproved this statement and stressed that the state backing is given to the project directly through the provision of preferences by the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow", where "Sovelmash", being the resident, receives tax, customs and administrative benefits.

The main preferences for the residents of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow":
- 2% income tax;
- 0% property tax;
- 0% transport tax;
- free customs zone;
- 0% rate on import duties and VAT on imported goods;
- 2% land plot lease;
- 1% cadastral value redemption.

Such territories offer all the required conditions to facilitate doing business for Russian and foreign enterprises.

On February 15, 2019, the agreement was signed stating that "Sovelmash" became the official resident of the technology and innovation type special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow".

When considering the applications to join the SEZ, the committee checked the candidates very carefully: the business plan, economic and legal aspects were subjected to a thorough examination and analysis. It was also important to comply with the status of a company significant for the Russian economy. It was not easy, but the company passed a whole chain of inspections and succeeded in becoming the resident of the SEZ "Technopolis " Moscow", where the construction of the design and engineering technology department of "Sovelmash" is currently underway.

Watch the video with a detailed answer to the question from Dmitriy Alexandrovich Duyunov. Follow the updates in the section, continue to ask questions in the comments — and, perhaps, in the next video you will get the answer to your question!