"Sovelmash" D&E construction site news

"Sovelmash" D&E construction site news

The "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department is currently in the midst of creating workspaces. The specialists are installing the equipment in the D&E's production area. This includes a laser unit that was moved here last week from the NIITM's (Research Institute of Precision Machine Manufacturing) facilities. 

The motor assembly area was established. Soon the commissioning, wiring, connection, gasification, piping, and other tasks will be performed here.

The installation of interior partitions is virtually complete. Now the construction workers are assembling the slips and sealing the joints.

Preparations are underway to supply electricity on a permanent basis, and the activities to connect the electrical transformers are about to begin.

The formation of stairways is in progress, the elevators are being made. 

In the office and amenity building, the construction workers are getting ready to install the interior partitions made of plasterboard. Workstations are being formed on the second-floor mezzanine, underneath it this process is already being completed. 

Outside the building, work on the external engineering utilities is in progress: the equipment is busy laying the trench, connecting the pipes to the junction point. 

Learn more about the "Sovelmash" D&E construction from the video with Alexander Sudarev. 

The daily progress of the construction is impressive, but the deadline for delivering the project to the state committee is also approaching. To complete the construction on time, the company now seeks the financial support of investors. For example, early repayment of your installment plans will be a substantial contribution to the project.