What are the specialists of the company working on?

What are the specialists of the company working on?

The specialists of "Sovelmash" have a number of developments in the works. Some are being executed for potential customers, others have been started on the company's initiative. Let us share with you the stage that the key developments are currently at.

Angle grinder

"Sovelmash" is approaching the final stage of the project with its already certified products: three angle grinder models with the EAEU certificate. The angle grinders will be manufactured at the D&E premises. There is a complete set for the first small batch of 1000 pieces. Once the building is dedusted, the production will begin. Along with this, the equipment is awaited to be supplied that will enable the transition to mass production of items.

The "Moth" quadcopter

Work is underway on the motors for the quadcopter propellers. It is based on a size-318 hub motor also developed by "Sovelmash". The maximum power of the motor is 60 kW and the weight is about 24 kg.

The rotor packs have been cast on the in-house equipment and using in-house tooling. The combined stator winding has been implemented. The motor parts are already being manufactured industrially.

Assembly of the landing gear, airframe and wings for the "Moth" quadcopter has started.

Motor for electric vehicles

Water-cooled traction motor for electric vehicles. The standard factory winding has been replaced by the "Slavyanka" combined winding. This will extend the service life of the motor and make it much more energy efficient.

Gearless elevator winch

Let us remind you that this development received a lot of attention at the "Army-2022" exhibition. It is now being fine-tuned to meet the highest modern requirements.

As you can see, "Sovelmash" implements developments for various applications, which makes the business more sustainable and gives it an advantage over competitors.

Investing in the project is your opportunity to become a co-owner of an innovative enterprise and a very promising business.