On the threshold of funding stage 14: key events

On the threshold of funding stage 14: key events

On July 30, the project "Duyunov's motors" goes to funding stage 14. It's time to understand how far the project has advanced at stage 13 that started on April 1.

More details about stage 13 events - in the video by Alexander Sudarev.

State examination of the project documentation

STAGE START. The project documentation for "SovElMash" innovative centre undergoes the state examination. The procedure is delayed to the coronavirus pandemic.

STAGE RESULT. Moscow state examination agency issues a positive expert report based on the results of the inspection on May 18, 2020.
This event is a milestone in the history of the project "Duyunov's motors", since it has brought "SovElMash" considerably closer to starting the construction of the design and engineering department.
It takes the mobilization of all the company's efforts, more than a year of hard work of the employees, 4.5 months of waiting for the examination results — and the goal is achieved!
The project approval reports are also issued by the Committee for Architecture and Urban Development of the city of Moscow and Rospotrebnadzor (the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing).

Construction of the design and engineering department

STAGE START. The innovative center construction is not possible until the permit is obtained.

STAGE RESULT. On July 15, the company starts building the construction camp on the "SovElMash" site in the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow". The first construction stage will also include building a checkpoint, a washing point for equipment, and connecting utility services.

New equipment at "SovElMash"

STAGE START. The existing equipment enables "SovElMash" to develop its own original motors and test them. The first small-scale batch of the "Slavyanka" motors is released in the early spring of 2020.

STAGE RESULT. "SovElMash" improves the process of motor development and production. The technical facilities of the company are supplemented with special equipment for drying varnish-impregnated windings. The drying cabinet increases the employee productivity.

Besides, "SovElMash" laboratory is tooled with new measuring equipment for the large load bank. It is used for testing higher power motors, including size 112 and size 132 electric machines.

The trademark certificate

STAGE START. The official trademark registration procedure that started in July 2019 is underway.
STAGE RESULT. In May 2020, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property grants the certificate to the company "SovElMash". According to it, the trademark is a simplified scheme of the combined winding "Slavyanka" consisting of red, green and yellow vectors that symbolize the current phases in compliance with GOST.

New motor with "Slavyanka" from ASPP Weihai

STAGE START. ASPP Weihai produces 4 modifications of traction electric motors modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology: DA-90S, DA-100S, DA-100SL and DA-112SL.
STAGE RESULT. Victor Arestov's company prepares for production a new DA-112S motor modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology. The electric motorcycle that it is to be installed on will freely develop the speed of more than 100 km/h. The maximum speed will be 130-150 km/h.


STAGE START. SOLARGROUP has held a number of international offline conferences as part of opening its national representative offices. However, the coronavirus pandemic interferes with holding large-scale events live.
STAGE RESULTS. On June 27, the international conference SIC-2020 dedicated to the company's 3rd anniversary is held online. It is livestreamed via YouTube in 7 languages. The broadcast is watched by a total of over 10,000 viewers.
They are addressed by the investment experts, top officials and the most successful partners of SOLARGROUP.

National representative office in Benin

STAGE START. SOLARGROUP has already opened 9 national representative offices in different countries. The opening in Benin is postponed due to the pandemic.
STAGE RESULTS. On July 11, the international conference is held in Cotonou with participation of the company's top officials via a videoconference and personally attended by the investors and partners from Benin. Opening the national representative office becomes a natural result of monthslong hard work on popularizing the project carried out in this region by SOLARGROUPS's leading partners headed by Gilles Weber.

Slovenian in the back office

STAGE START. The back office is available in 20 languages including Russian.
STAGE RESULTS. Slovenian becomes the 21st language available in the back office. About 300 project investors live in Slovenia, and it is important for each of them to receive news and use the back office in their native language. This option becomes available to them in April 2020.

The first webinar in English

STAGE START. Regular webinars about the project are conducted in 8 languages. However, English is not one of them.
STAGE RESULTS. On April 15, the first webinar in the project's history is held in English. SOLARGROUP's partner Dmitriy Maksimenko becomes the broadcast speaker. The project webinars in English are now held regularly.

SOLARGROUP official website and online store

STAGE START. SOLARGROUP is preparing for its upcoming 3rd anniversary. One of the tasks is to launch the official website and online store.
STAGE RESULTS. The website https://solar.group starts functioning. All information about SOLARGROUP's activities is now collected in one place. The website will be useful for people who are interested in crowdinvesting, the company's partners, and projects that need funding.
SOLARGROUP online gift shop opens at https://solargroup.shop. You can buy products with the company's logos here.

In May 2020, the project "Duyunov's motors" celebrates its 3rd anniversary! The start of funding was announced on May 30, 2017. You be the judge of how far the project has advanced since then.
We have more than 28,000 investors from almost 200 countries.
They receive daily news about the project in the back office, social media and chats.
Every week they get first-hand information about the project at webinars.

Investors trust us, because for them the potential of the company "SovElMash" and the achievements of the project are obvious.

July 29 is the last day of stage 13.
You still have time to purchase the investment shares at a lower price until 23:59 Moscow time, July 29.
Those who invested in the project at the previous stages and are paying in installments - use the opportunity to increase your investment packages at the date-of-purchase discounts until the end of the stage!

You can compare the discounts for different stages and assess the benefits yourself here http://bit.ly/DuyunovPrice

Invest in your best future now!