Installation of windows, equipment and storm water drainage: "Sovelmash" construction site today

Installation of windows, equipment and storm water drainage: "Sovelmash" construction site today

Windows are being installed in the production part of the "Sovelmash" D&E building and in the territory of the one-storey extensions. For maximum employee safety, the windows are fire-resistant.

The installation of laser equipment and work on connecting the power grid to the previously housed equipment are in progress.

In the office and amenity building, the construction workers continue to install the storm drainage system and have begun mounting interior partitions made of plasterboard.

In the warehouse, racks are being mounted for the products that will be produced at the "Sovelmash" D&E.

Transformers have been installed and part of the switchboards for providing electricity to the building have been mounted.

The construction site is being cleared of unnecessary materials, namely the temporary road slabs.

Learn more details about the construction progress from the video.

We remind that each of you can accelerate the D&E construction and bring the time of paying dividends to investors closer. To do so, you need to support the project with investments or invite new investors.