Favorite books of billionaires

Favorite books of billionaires

According to the most successful people on the planet, reading books is a source of knowledge, new ideas and inspiration for them. What do billionaires read? Read this post to learn about it and choose a book you like!

1. Bill Gates. The Microsoft founder has read thousands of books over the course of his life, so he willingly gives recommendations on what to read at the weekend. The billionaire's latest finds include the following editions:
- Viet Thanh Nguyen "The Sympathizer"
- Vaclav Smil "Energy and Civilization: A History"
- Thi Bui "The Best We Could Do"
- Eddie Izzard "Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens"
- Matthew Desmond "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City"

2. Richard Branson. The head of the Virgin Group likes reading and often posts lists of books that he recommends to his subscribers. His interests include a wide range of genres, from children's novels to non-fiction. It's up to you to decide which of the listed books to read!
- Peter Diamandis "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think"
- Carl Sagan "Cosmos"
- Matthew Syed " Black Box Thinking"
- Douglas Adams "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
- Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

3. Jeff Bezos. The founder of Amazon strongly recommends that his employees read the following books (and don't even try to disobey such an influential person):
- Kazuo Ishiguro "The Remains of the Day"
- Sam Walton "Made in America. My story"
- Jim Collins "Built to Last. Successful Habits of Visionary Companies"
- Mark Jeffrey "Data-Driven Marketing"
- Nassim Taleb "The Black Swan. The Impact of the Highly Improbable"

4. Warren Buffett. The head of Berkshire Hathaway and an investment genius reads books to learn new useful information. If you want to learn something new and not waste your time, Buffett recommends reading these books:
- John Brooks "Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street"
- Philip Fisher "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits"
- Jack Welch "Jack. My years at GE"
- Graham T. Allison " Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe"
- Benjamin Graham "The Intelligent Investor"

5. Mark Zuckerberg. The" father" of the social media Facebook also reads a lot and likes sharing his lists of books with the general public. Among the impressive list of literary works that he recommends reading, we have highlighted these five:
- David Deutsch "The Beginning of Infinity"
- Henry Kissinger "World Order"
- Matt Ridley "The Rational Optimist"
- Steven Pinker "The Better Angels of Our Nature"
Peter Huber "Orwell's Revenge"

If you don't like reading, it doesn't mean that our selection won't be useful to you: you can listen to audio books by downloading them to your smartphone. Then any trip in public or private transport, getting ready for work or a morning jog will turn into a useful and exciting journey!