The best articles to discover the project

The best articles to discover the project

In 2023, "Sovelmash" and the project were regularly covered by various media and opinion leaders. Here is a list of the best articles and videos. All of them were published in Russian.


"Duyunov's Motor: a Project of Its Time" in Business Excellence, March 2023. Detailed description of the essence, history and practical application of the technology, construction of the engineering centre and crowdinvesting method for funding the project. The article also includes a blitz interview with Dmitriy Duyunov.

"Future Technologies in the Present" in ENERGOTECH EXPO magazine, June 2023, p.16. A brief summary of the advantages the "Slavyanka" technology and the "Sovelmash" D&E under construction offer.

"Breakthrough Russian Technology: "Sovelmash" is Preparing to Launch an Engineering Centre" on the Life Internet portal, October 2023. Introduction to the project and technology in a language understandable to beginners.

"Save and Multiply: Why It's Profitable to Invest in a Startup" on the website of one of Russia's largest media outlets, November 2023. The link contains not only the article, but also two videos: one about the "Slavyanka" technology and the other about SOLARGROUP.

"First Come, First Served" on the website of Argumenty Nedeli, December 2023. Briefly and accessibly about the advantages of the engineering business with "Sovelmash".


Crowdinvesting - Something Strange or a New Age of Investing? Delving into the "Sovelmash" project. Broadcast on Finversia's YouTube channel, April 2023.

The "Sovelmash" Project: Getting to the Bottom of It. Finversia continues to introduce its subscribers to the project, May 2023.

"Sovelmash": Why Common People Are Investing in the New Technology. Video report on the channel "MASHNEWS. Industry News," October 2023.

Articles and videos like this are a great way to introduce newcomers to the project. Explore and share with those interested in investing!