Project guide: how will the "Sovelmash" D&E earn a profit and you along with it?

Project guide: how will the "Sovelmash" D&E earn a profit and you along with it?

"Sovelmash" is building not only a design and engineering technology department, but also an engineering business, which in the future has the potential to turn the global electric motor market upside down.

"Sovelmash" D&E services

The company is already developing motors using the patented "Slavyanka" combined winding technology. It will be able to do this for specific customers on the D&E premises.

There are several major stages involved in the development of an electric motor:
- drawing up terms of reference tailored to the customer's needs,
- designing an electric motor,
- laboratory testing,
- production of motor pilot batches,
- demonstration of the opportunity for motor mass production
- and completing many other tasks.

Moreover, "Sovelmash" will provide production set-up services. That is, setting up mass production of motors at the customer company's facilities.

Services to develop and put an innovative product into production are complex and multi-stage, so they are very expensive. The company will be able to execute from three orders per year, depending on the degree of their complexity.

Customers of "Sovelmash"

First of all, these are companies that produce induction electric motors or machinery with them and want to have a strong competitive edge in the market. The "Sovelmash" D&E will be able to develop motors for most applications: industry, transport, medicine and others.

"Sovelmash" regularly holds negotiations with potential customers. Preliminary agreements on co-operation have been reached, the details of which are not disclosed as they are commercially confidential. It remains to complete the D&E to start accepting orders.

Investors will then be able to earn dividends from the profits made by "Sovelmash" or earn a profit from selling their shares.

Hurry to become an investor or increase your share before the project funding is completed and be a co-owner of a large-scale engineering business!