Find out how the project "Duyunov's motors" makes entire families happy from the winners of the SOLARGROUP lottery from India

Find out how the project "Duyunov's motors" makes entire families happy from the winners of the SOLARGROUP lottery from India

We have long known that "Duyunov's motors" is not only a community project, but also a family project. And thanks to the SOLARGROUP lottery, we are now convinced of this. All of the lottery winners learned about the project from their relatives and shared the joy of winning, and sometimes even the prizes, with them.

Thus, the grand-prize winner from India, Kuljit Singh, learnt about his winnings and earlier about the project from his father, Puran Singh Labana, who in turn had been introduced to the project by his brother. The father and his son started investing in the project at virtually the same time, in December last year. And now they are rejoicing in victory together. The son got 200,000 investment shares and the father will go to Moscow, to the "Sovelmash" construction site.

Kuljit Singh: "I knew about the offer with lottery coupons. Participating in it was a systematic decision to pay off the installments early in order to purchase more extra coupons and shares. God gave me this unique chance to become the happy winner. I had never won a lottery before."

Puran Singh Labana: "This news made me feel that the investment in the project was rewarding and profitable. I never thought that one day SOLARGROUP and "Sovelmash" would give me such an opportunity to visit the design and engineering department with its unique technology of the future, developed successfully over many years thanks to the diligent and intellectual work of the entire team."

Both winners are not only investors but also partners of SOLARGROUP. And they want as many people as possible to know about the project.

Kuljit Singh: "I would like all engineers, the tech community and ordinary citizens all over the world to consider investing in this project to build their investment portfolio with high profit potential and make a fruitful contribution to green initiatives."