Engineers from Indonesia appreciate the "Slavyanka" technology

Engineers from Indonesia appreciate the "Slavyanka" technology

Within the framework of the SOLARGROUP conference in Indonesia, Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative, met with Indonesian engineers. The specialists were introduced to the "Slavyanka" combined winding technology.
In addition to engineers, the meeting was attended by 20 participants, as well as SOLARGROUP's national partner in Indonesia Laura Guinta and leading partners. The engineers learned about the advantages of "Slavyanka" and examples of its application in transport, saw an electric kit based on a combined winding motor.

The event participants shared their impressions of the meeting. The engineers especially noted the cost-effectiveness of combined winding electric motors and the possibility of using them in different areas.

Engineer Joe Kiem Sing: "It can be applied for fishing boats with no use of hydrocarbon fuel. Indonesia has plenty of sunshine, the energy of which can be absorbed to charge the battery, which will then power the motor itself. This motor can also be used for cargo transportation. For example, in rural areas, to transport crops and agricultural products. It's a very cost-effective solution."

According to the national partner, Indonesia had been waiting for such a meeting for three years and it was very fruitful. "The technology is new, and we were told about it for the first time live today. Of course, we watched related videos, news stories, but they were very generalized. And today the specialists present have been able to examine the operating principle of "Slavyanka" close up, touch the design with their own hands and make sure that the technology is really incredible."

The meeting participants discussed possible cooperation options for technology development in Indonesia and exchanged contacts.
Watch the video for more details.