I am optimistic about the future | Story of partner Jean-François Chérifils

I am optimistic about the future | Story of partner Jean-François Chérifils

My name is Jean-François Chérifils and I live in Haiti. I have a background in accounting, business, and mathematics. I worked as an accountant.

Before meeting SOLARGROUP, I had achieved the title of professor. My income was 300,000 Haitian gourdes (about $2,600), enough to cover basic expenses each year.

I had been living in constant stress caused by uncertainty. Until I found out about SOLARGROUP from a friend who invited me to the project. My life has been changing ever since!

I consider "Duyunov's motors" to be a very well-timed project and a great initiative. We need to protect the environment - the project will help us do that.

In SOLARGROUP I met very competent people, who constantly inform each participant about all the activities and actions in the project.

I signed my partnership agreement with the company in 2021. I was quickly able to understand the value of the project because of my background in business. So I didn't hesitate to accept my friend's invitation - and it turned out to be the right decision.

I set goals for myself: to earn extra income and invest in the long run.

From my first steps in partner business, I saw that my actions were genuinely appreciated!

With hindsight, I realize that it was a mistake not to invest right away. I got results within the first few months, thanks to people who joined at my direct invitation. But the main result, which we all aim to achieve, is the implementation of the project.

I often talk to friends at face-to-face meetings, explaining the project's potential. I imagine the career ladder of a marketing plan to be a building, a physical thing. Step by step I am moving up the building. This approach helps me to convince people and find followers.

I encounter difficulties when the people I invite remain in my back office as guests. They are aware of the project's value, but cannot participate because of their financial situation. And I give them truthful information, I give them real people's stories as an example. I always adhere to the principles established by SOLARGROUP: no fictional stories, only reliable data. You cannot use fictitious data, for example, to get more participants into your structure. I fully share this principle the company relies on!

I trust the project management, their experience. I know that the project will lead to radical changes in transportation, the energy industry - and will have an effect on our daily lives.

My mentor supports me, we have a Telegram group where we exchange information on the project.

For me, participation in the project means passive income and long-term profits in the long run. I get all the information I need in a timely manner, the experience of the SOLARGROUP team inspires me and builds my confidence.

I am very optimistic about the future! SOLARGROUP is the pillar of my old age.

I am grateful to the company and my mentors for the support and benefit I have already gained!

Many thanks to the partners - those who have already joined and those who will join me.