Ready to invest in everything the company has to offer! | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Adou Daoud

Ready to invest in everything the company has to offer! | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Adou Daoud

My name's Adou Daoud. I'm from Djibouti, East Africa. I used to be an entrepreneur and a national consultant on renewable energy sources. However, I didn't earn much.

In 2023, I learned about SOLARGROUP when I was searching the Internet for information about crowdinvesting projects. I was impressed that "Duyunov's motors" was an innovative project that fully paid off the money invested in it. I signed the partnership agreement right away.

I started telling my friends and acquaintances about SOLARGROUP to give them the opportunity to invest profitably too. I established a group for friends on WhatsApp where I shared information about the project and the company.

In fact, I didn't know where to start. And wasted a lot of time without getting any results. I then decided to contact each person individually and thus introduce them to the project "Duyunov's motors". I got results in just a few weeks! I earned my first referral remuneration.

From that point on, I would first explain the goals of SOLARGROUP to people, and then talk about the project "Duyunov's motors". A few friends of mine invested.

Partner work is not easy. People often refuse to invest in the project, saying they don't trust it. And that's okay. For many, this is their first investment experience. Nevertheless, I keep talking to people about investments and what they can gain by investing in the project.

Trust, responsibility and transparency are the principles of SOLARGROUP that I share. I would like to carry on working with SOLARGROUP for good, and I am ready to invest in other innovative projects that the company might have to offer.
Thanks to SOLARGROUP, I discover wonderful opportunities every day!

Thank you for making it possible for me to join the project as an investor and partner.