Partner Race: impressions of the participants

Partner Race: impressions of the participants

Funding stage 15 in the project "Duyunov's motors" has been extended until May 19, and the finish line of the Partner Race has been shifted along with it. This means that you have a little more time to implement your goals in the Race. Those participants who actively participate in the promotion share their impressions about it and speak about how their business has changed over the past 3 months.

Anand Roy, India (started partner business in SOLARGROUP in April 2020, before that he was in the armed forces).

"I entered the Partner Race with the "Expert" status and intended to obtain the "Professional" status until March 24, 2021. On the road to achieving my goal, I've been helping my partners, and 6 of them are now "Masters", 3 — "Experts". I've paid for a $ 5,000 investment package, increasing the total amount by $ 1,200. Now I want to achieve the highest status in SOLARGROUP."

Barbara Sacca-Kina, Benin (assistant of the national partner, has been in the partner business since November 2019).

"I got the "Expert" status with the help of the partner program, focused on working with customers and building the structure. It's very interesting, I am primarily motivated by working with people. I learned a lot of new things, which allowed me to increase my partner structure. My partners in the structure also gained important experience by participating in the promo. During the Partner Race, I earned $ 300 to my account in the back office, some of which I reinvested. It is very motivating for further work!"

Endong Endong René Junior, Cameroon (partner of SOLARGROUP since February 2020, former teacher).

"I started the Race as a "Specialist". I doubled my efforts to raise the status, get $ 100 and bonus investment shares. Now I have the "Master" status. I think it is right that the company encourages partners with such promotions, even after it ends, there will be motivation to go on working."

Madhao Gurnule, India (partner since March 2020)

"The goal for the Race has been completed - to enhance the "Master" status and become the "Expert". To do this, I began to actively guide my 1st level partners, helping them achieve a higher status. The Partner Race was the key to achieving my goal."

Raushan Kumar Singh, India (one year and a half in SOLARGROUP).

"I'm a student, I have a bachelor's degree. I entered the Race as a "Master", focused on the next level and reached it. I think this is the most important achievement, along with getting the share. We are promoting a unique technology that will save our planet."

Victor Raul Acosta Alvarado, Ecuador (has been in the project for 1.5 months, photographer by main occupation).

"I started the Race as a "Partner", focused on helping more people with financial needs. I like the "Gift to a friend" offer and use it to promote to the next partner status. There were significant changes during the Race in terms of a positive attitude to business and continuing to help people."

What unites those partners who have achieved success in the Race? All of them made a firm decision to achieve their goal, quickly started to act, did not stop working on either bad or good days. Each of them saw the meaning of the Race and used it to achieve their goals. The desired result has been achieved thanks to their perseverance, optimism, the desire to learn and drive that arises when you accept a challenge and realize that you are moving forward step by step.

The Race is an incentive for the partners to make a leap in business, increase their income and strengthen their self-confidence.

How much do you want your potential to be implemented in the partner business and manifest itself in a consistently high income and recognition? Are you ready to enjoy your work, make your wishes come true, and charge your team with optimism and success?

You still have the opportunity to participate in the Partner Race, which will help you focus on the right actions that lead to great results and master the art of making small steps that are so necessary for achieving goals.
No matter what stage and status you are in now - join the Race to the full today, now! And this will be your victory, your contribution to your own success, to the success of the team and the project!