"This is what all investors and partners of the project are looking forward to" - Pavel Filippov about the upcoming SOLARGROUP conference

"This is what all investors and partners of the project are looking forward to" - Pavel Filippov about the upcoming SOLARGROUP conference

The SOLARGROUP International Conference will be held on September 16 in Moscow. It will be held in the congress centre of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow", the "Pechatniki" site.

You are in for a packed-agenda event!

The conference speakers include the company's top officials, the representatives of "Sovelmash" and other speakers. They will fill you in on the implementation of the project, funding figures and expansion of the "Slavyanka" technology worldwide. The event features plenty of information that you'll be the first to know.

You'll also see the developments by "Sovelmash", "Slavyanka" based vehicles and the companies' documents. And of course, our conferences always mean a lot of communication with the other participants in the project, meeting old friends and making new acquaintances!

One of the speakers, Head of Advertising and Public Relations at SOLARGROUP Pavel Filippov, invites you to participate in the event: "The event features the most meaty and interesting content, things you really like, you definitely shouldn't miss such events, so see you there!"

Participation in the conference is free of charge.