Early repayment: let's make this summer historic!

Early repayment: let's make this summer historic!

July 2 was an important date in the history of the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department (D&E)! All four power transformers were connected to the 10 kV grid in no-load mode. The launch was a matter of great responsibility, as any malfunction would set the project back for months and result in unplanned costs. The pilot run is currently underway, with the necessary parameters being measured, after which the D&E will be connected to the power supply according to the design layout.

This accomplishment brings us closer to obtaining the certificate of construction completion. And the more active the investment process is now, the better it will be for the project and for all its participants.

We remind you that you get a 5% discount on your payment of $ 100 or more for early repayment of your installment plan. Be sure to select "Early Repayment" before making your payment to get the discount. You'll also get bonus shares for early repayment of your installment plan once the package is repaid in full.

Details of the discount offer are can be found here.
About the bonus shares in more detail.

We have extended the offer up to and including August 31, in order to make it possible for you to repay your installment plans early throughout the summer with benefits for both yourself and the project.