Dmitriy Duyunov on the completion of installing the metal frame for the "Sovelmash" D&E, SPAC and IPO plans

Dmitriy Duyunov on the completion of installing the metal frame for the "Sovelmash" D&E, SPAC and IPO plans

In the new video from the construction site, Dmitriy Alexandrovich Duyunov elaborates on what work is being carried out on the construction of the design and engineering technology department today and announces important information about the project, including the topic of raising additional investment.

At the construction site, the installation of the metal frame for the "Sovelmash" D3333E has been completed, the permanent formwork made of profiled sheet has been installed on all interfloor slabs, the main installation of the basement panels has been completed, a site has been prepared in the warehouse to house the panels of fencing structures that are currently being stocked. In the shafts, the installation of formwork for casting concrete staircases is about to be completed, the preparatory work (sealing the joints of profiled sheets) for reinforcing and casting the third floor slab has been completed, the roof installation is in progress.

Dmitriy Duyunov also touched on the topic of attracting investment in the project and spoke about the possible ways to invest, including those through SPAC, and explained why it is not the right way to accelerate the project funding.
For your reference:
Special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is a company created specifically for merging with another private company that wants to enter the stock exchange, bypassing the IPO procedure. SPAC allows retail investors to make direct investments in promising companies, including the use of borrowed funds.

From the video, you will also learn about the IPO plans.

Enjoy watching!

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