Discount: things an investor needs to know

Discount: things an investor needs to know

We often talk about the discount in the project "Duyunov's motors". What is the discount, how does it change with the project development and why is it important for an investor to be aware of the changes? The answers to these questions are especially relevant now, before the change of the project funding stage. They will help you understand when and how much to invest in the project to get the maximum benefit.

The discount is a reduction of the investment share price. The discount amount is related to the level of risks that exist in the project.

Project discount and stages

The funding process for the project "Duyunov's motors" is divided into 20 stages. The closer the project is to achieving its goal, the lower the risks and the lower the discount, and therefore the higher the price per investment share.

The earlier you invest in the project, the more shares you will have for the same costs. It is most profitable to buy the shares before the stage change. For example, the current stage 17 ends on December 31. Detailed information about the project's transition to the new funding stage is available on a specially created page of the back office. Study it if you intend to buy an investment package in the project!

Example of the discount dynamics depending on the stage

• At project funding stage 5, a $ 5,000 package on a 10-month installment plan could be purchased at a discount of 507, yielding 2,535,000 investment shares.
• At stage 10, the same package was purchased at a discount of 333 and brought the investor 1,665,000 shares.
• At the current stage 17, the same package is available at a discount of 147 and contains 735,000 investment shares.
• At the upcoming stage 18, the discount of this package will be 127, the investor will get 660,000 shares.

Package discount and denomination

The discount amount also depends on the investment package denomination and the method of payment. The higher the denomination and the faster the package is paid, the higher the discount and the more shares you get.

An example of how the discount depends on the package denomination

A $ 1,000 packaged purchase on a 10-month installment plan at stage 17 is available at a discount of 120 and contains 120,000 shares.

A $ 10,000 package of the same stage on a 10-month installment plan is available at a discount of 158 and contains 1,580,000 shares.

The same package purchased in a lump-sum payment is available at a discount of 159 and contains 1,590,000 shares.

But why is it so important to become the owner of more investment shares? After the project funding is completed, the investment shares will be exchanged for the shares of "Sovelmash", and their owners will earn income in dividends from the company's activities. It will also be possible to earn a profit from selling shares, which will greatly increase in price along with the growth of "Sovelmash" assets. The more shares you have, the higher your income will be in the future.

Hurry up to take advantage of the profitable discount until December 31 inclusive!