Dialogue with the National Partner | Dimitr Dimitrov

Dialogue with the National Partner | Dimitr Dimitrov

We continue our section "Dialogue with the National Partner". National partners of SOLARGROUP are outstanding individuals who represent our company in different countries of the world. Especially for the project participants, they share the story of their path, speak about the secrets of success and reveal their insights concerning the prospects for the project's development in different countries.
The hero of our today's post is Dimitr Dimitrov, SOLARGROUP's national partner in Bulgaria.

Dimitr, tell us about yourself

My name is Dimitr Dimitrov, I am 41 years old and I am from Bulgaria. I was born and live in Stara Zagora, I am married and have 2 children. My profession is an economist. I was educated at the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics in Svishtov.
I have experience in organizing production, as well as designing and modeling unique series of parts and products. I work for a company that makes custom-made steel parts.

In October 2018, I joined the team of SOLARGROUP after assessing its prospects. Now I am the national partner of SOLARGROUP in Bulgaria.

How did you come to SOLARGROUP?

I became part of SOLARGROUP in October 2018 after carefully studying the materials of the project "Duyunov's motors". Six months earlier, I had become interested in the field of investment since I was attracted to the idea of achieving financial independence. I started investing small amounts in well-known crowdfunding projects in order to achieve my goal of earning passive income years later. When I found information about the project "Duyunov's motors", it immediately attracted me with its foundation - the innovative technology - and the opportunity to earn money.

At that time, there were only a few days left before the change of investment stage 5 to investment stage 7. I had to make a quick decision: to become the investor immediately or learn more details first. My gut feeling told me to take action and not pass up an opportunity.

How did you achieve success in the project?

I achieved good results thanks to my team that shaped soon after we learned about the project. It includes my brother Plamen Dimitrov and my friends Khristo Toshkov and Boris Mochev. My choice of like-minded people was not accidental: they are experienced networkers who have achieved good results in other projects. I told them about the project "Duyunov's motors”, they studied the materials and came to the conclusion that this is an incredible opportunity that is extremely rare to come knocking.

Teamwork is essential for achieving good results. Each participant has a certain expertise and helps others with information and advice in their field. It makes the team stronger.

We share a common goal - to generate passive income by purchasing shares in the investment project that aims to change the lives of people on the planet for the better.

How did you become the national partner and what functions do you perform?

One day a representative of SOLARGROUP called to tell me about the company's development plans. After this conversation, I realized the scale of the team's thinking and decided to represent the project's interests in Bulgaria and become the national partner. The like-minded people supported me.

My task is to promote SOLARGROUP projects and support other participants. I am responsible for spreading information and news about the project "Duyunov's motors", and I help partners use this information in building their structure. We live in the 21st century when information is the most valuable asset that changes people's lives. Every month we hold live presentations in big cities to introduce a unique investment opportunity to as many Bulgarian residents as possible.

What makes the project “Duyunov's motors" interesting for the investors from your country?

The project is an excellent investment opportunity. Investments are our contribution to the support and development of an important invention made by Dmitriy Duyunov as well as the opportunity to profit from the commercialization of the "Slavyanka" technology on the world market. At the same time, we are improving the environmental situation and saving the planet from industrial pollution. It's a great combination, isn't it?

In Bulgaria, only a small percentage of the population invests. Therefore, our team tries not only to promote the project, but also to teach the participants of our webinars the basics of investment and personal finance management. I would like to say that the interest in the project is growing with every day: the more we talk about the held events, the more people see the progress and trust SOLARGROUP. The undeniable facts of the project development help our audience to make a decision about investing.

What s the main difficulty you faced in this business, and how did you overcome it?

We are often surprised by people's mistrust of innovations and new technologies. A lot of people simply don't want to change something that doesn't work effectively despite the emergence of a better alternative. In addition, crowdinvesting can not be called a traditional way of funding, so some take the project with a pinch of salt.

To dispel the doubts, we speak about the advantages and prospects of introducing new technologies in general and “Slavyanka” in particular, educate people about the new ways of funding which are gradually gaining momentum in the market. Modern software, website and social media allow the project to interact with hundreds of thousands of investors at the same time, which was impossible even ten years ago.

What advice to our beginner partners will help them become successful?

If you really want to succeed a partner business, master the information perfectly. You should be ready to answer any questions from people of different professions who may have their own understanding of business and profit. The better you master the data about the project , the more confidence you will gain and will be able to send these vibes to potential investors.

Once you have mastered the detailed information about the project "Duyunov's motors", the "Slavyanka" technology and related investment opportunities, start the promotion. Track the news and publish it wherever you can. Don't miss a single webinar with Dmitriy Duyunov: he is a source of key news and will help to deepen your knowledge about the technology. The project's website is another important partner tool: it is translated into many languages, and therefore it will introduce the most important information about the business to the members of your structure.

Monitor everything that is happening in the project: read the news, communicate with other partners, and deepen your knowledge about the advantages of the "Slavyanka" technology and its application areas. Be consistant in your actions, and then the results will definitely be there!