12 countries and 71 meetings: SOLARGROUP offline events this summer

12 countries and 71 meetings: SOLARGROUP offline events this summer

We continue telling you about the project "Duyunov's motors" in the live meeting format. This summer, the largest SOLARGROUP International Conference was held on August 6 in Moscow, attended by 350 participants from 16 countries. In addition, the project became known in four continents and five languages.

Africa is the most active continent by the number of live meetings dedicated to the project. Gilles Weber, a national partner of SOLARGROUP, along with his team are actively working to open up new opportunities to more people here. Gilles Weber represents the project in 6 African countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Benin, Togo, Cameroon, Burkina Faso. Despite the eventful August, over the summer his team held 46 offline events for investors, partners, and newcomers to the project:

Burkina Faso - 4 live meetings,
Senegal - 5 live meetings,
Benin and Cameroon - 11 meetings each,
Togo — 6 meetings,
Côte d'Ivoire - 9 meetings.

In addition, there were five offline events in Nigeria hosted by national partner Ishaku Marley and his team of leaders. The meeting participants were able to learn about the project "Duyunov's motors" and their opportunities in it, asked questions of interest to them, talked to the national representative, partners and investors in their country.

India is another region that always shows a high level of interest in the project. Eight meetings were held here in the summer, during which each participant was able to get comprehensive information about the opportunities for the project investors and partners.

Five live meetings took place in Peru and six - in Ecuador. There were regular offline presentations of the project in Kazakhstan!

All the events were productive, as planned, and in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. The participants talked to the leading partners, discussed current issues and exchanged their ideas on how to promote the project.

There are meetings and conferences scheduled in various countries in September. Follow the schedule in the back office not to miss a live event about the project in your country.