10 business ideas 2022

10 business ideas 2022

It may seem too early to draw conclusions at this point. Because the predictions made by experts back in January have already failed. However, life has not stopped, and experts continue to argue that there are formats that will not lose their relevance. So if you're thinking about extra income or a new business, it's time to get familiar with the trends. The main thing is to monitor changes in the market and choose a safe and reliable strategy.

So, what kind of business will generate income:

1. E-commerce (online sales). There are changes to come here that will have to be monitored. Including when choosing marketplaces. However, not only will online shopping not disappear from our lives, but it will strengthen its position - new platforms for selling goods will continue to appear and be tested. 

Investments: minimal. Preliminary preparation: required.

2. Dropshipping (online store + partnership with suppliers). You do not store the goods, and use delivery services to send them to the customer. Before launching, you need to find suppliers and establish relations with them, find a reliable delivery service. 

Investment: minimal. Preliminary preparation: required.

3. EdTech (online education). You have figured out what and who you can teach. For example, you have decided to teach drawing, speaking Spanish, or baking pancakes. You have chosen a convenient format (vlog, blog, or something else) and are ready to create your own educational platform or join the existing ones. It is important to keep track of which skills are most in demand today.

Investment: minimal. Preliminary preparation: required.

4. Consults: legal, psychological, business coaching, etc. You will need to get a permit to do business in this field. You should also decide whether you will consult online or offline.

Investments: minimal or higher if you rent an office. Preliminary preparation: required.

5. Beauty business: manicure, pedicure, hairdressing, make-up, massage, face and body care. 

Investment: required. Preliminary preparation: required.

6. Eco food. Suitable for those who already grow such foods for sale or can arrange delivery of ready-made meals, such as vegan cuisine. 

Investment: required. Preliminary preparation: required. 

7. Women-oriented business. Almost any direction is promising: the beauty industry and health practices, participation in projects touching on the topics of feminism, maternity, organization of support for women in various areas, organization of social and legal support, shelters for victims of violence. Today this direction goes beyond social business. You need to think carefully about the format and get to know the existing projects better. 

Investment: can be required. Preliminary preparation: can be required.

8. Service business: cleaning, home baking, delivery service, clothing repair, tutoring, translation and more. 

Investment: not required or minimal. Preliminary preparation: required.

9. Walking tours. 

Investment: not required. Preliminary preparation: required.

10. SOLARGROUP partner business. 

Investment: not required. Preliminary preparation: not required.