The week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The passing week was almost fully devoted to the final preparatory activities for the 2nd International conference in Moscow.
A day earlier, on Saturday, September 21, the most large-scale event in the history of the project took place! We'll tell what it was like in more detail very soon.

One more important piece of news this week was signing the agreement with the regional leader in Vietnam. The country is one of the top 10 countries in terms of the number of investors in the startup "Duyunov's motors". It's especially surprising because the project website and back office hasn't been translated into Vietnamese. The Vietnamese are actively investing in the startup thanks to the expert work of the partners and the information spread by word of mouth. In order to increase the project popularity, the company SOLARGROUP is planning to hold the conference "Duyunov's motors" in Vietnam by the end of the year timing it to coincide with the opening of the national representative office.

Prior to that — in the autumn of 2019 — the national representative office will be opened in India. And very soon — on September 28 — a similar event is held in the capital of Bulgaria Sofia.

The geographic reach of the project is expanding at an unbelievably fast pace!

Meanwhile, the routine but very important project work continues in "SovElMash". The company's premises were reorganized, thanks to it the efficiency of communication between certain staff members as well as the staff work productivity improved. Another advantage is clearing the space for the additional equipment that "SovElMash" has already received. Part of it has already been installed, the rest is on the waiting list.
The team of "SovElMash" is putting every effort in order to implement the project goals on time. Dmitriy Duyunov said that according to the plan the construction of the design and engineering department building would take 20 months. After that the mounting and equipment adjustment activities are in the cards. Then in the first quarter of 2022 the state committee will be accepting the construction project and issue the commissioning certificate.

But prior to opening the innovative centre, "SovElMash" will start serial production of the first inhouse-developed motors. Soon the motors will undergo certification in the laboratory of "SovElMash" that has recently been certified for conducting such testing. After that the process of launching serial production of motors will start.