Unprecedented in scale and atmosphere: International conference of "Duyunov's motors" took place in New Delhi!

Unprecedented in scale and atmosphere: International conference of "Duyunov's motors" took place in New Delhi!

We'll tell you about the key and brightest moments of this event dedicated to opening a national representative office in India.

The number of participants considerably exceeded all of our expectations.

About 1,000 guests gathered at the opening of the international representative office! It's two times more than ever on the project conferences. Guests: investors, partners, representatives of businesses and local authorities - gathered from all over India. It was obvious that the big hall was full of people truly interested in the project and dreaming of making the technology popular in their country. The conference lasted for about 8 hours, the participants stayed until the end and after the event finished - actively asked questions to the project's top officials.

The Indians know how to give a warm welcome!
The atmosphere of a holiday and live communication that ruled the conference can be clearly seen on the photographs. Watch the photo report!
The audience gave a warm welcome to every speaker.

From the very beginning the audience got inspired by the speeches of the leading project partners in India: the national leader Gulshan Kumar Birdi, vice national partner Rajesh Kumar, coordinator Kishor Kishanlal Vyas. They told how and why they are part of the project "Duyunov's motors", what opportunities they are providing for the whole country and every citizen. The conference host and moderator was one more key Indian partner - Kiranjeet R. Singh.

The main event headliners received the standing ovation: Dmitriy Duyunov who delivered his speech via videoconference and Victor Arestov who attended the conference in person.
Dmitriy Alexandrovich answered the questions of the audience. They mainly touched upon what is required to organize the production of combined winding motors in India.
Victor Arestov told about the projects in Asia and Europe held with the participation of ASPP Weihai. Cars, trucks, golf carts, tuk-tuks, boats, plant equipment - his company is installing or planning to install the motors modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology on all of these units. The speaker noted down that the technology was capable of visibly improving the ecology, quality of life and income level of people using it.

Victor Arestov's speech was followed by John William, the CEO of the company AWEV Solutions Pvt. Ltd, the official distributor of ASPP Weihai motors in India. He told about what equipment would be produced in this country by joint efforts of both companies. It's a compact truck Piaggio Porter 600 and tuk-tuk developed specially for India. The latter was available for the conference guests to see and even test in the show room.

The participants were impressed greatly by the speeches of SOLARGROUP top officials. The head of advertising and PR department Pavel Filippov made a detailed and graphic presentation about the scale, advantages and achievements of "Duyunov's motors". The company's general director Sergey Semyonov sparked the interest of the audience by enunciating the prospects of making profit in SOLARGROUP and about the company's new projects.
The head of partner network development department Pavel Shadskiy told about the strong sides of the partner program. He traditionally awarded five best Indian partners with memorable badges and handed gift bags.

Two important pieces of project news that the conference participants were the first ones to learn were met with great enthusiasm!
- Financing stage 12 starts on December 15.
- SOLARGROUP and "SovElMash" are launching a new project aimed at establishing an enterprise producing motors modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology in India. The company ASPP Weihai operates in a similar way in China.

The event was organized on the highest possible level! Spacious, comfortable room with a huge screen for presentations. High-quality photo and video shooting. Online streaming of the conference. The guests were able to see DA-90S and DA-100S combined winding motors produced by ASPP Weihai in operation as well as a Rush electric motorcycle with Duyunov's motor. There was an opportunity to participate in a test drive of an electric tuk-tuk that will soon be produced in India.

All conference participants got a huge amount of the most up-to-date information about the project first-hand. Plenty of positive emotions from communicating with the colleagues, like-minds and business partners. They solidified trust in the success of the project thanks to the inspirational speakers. Besides, they got the opportunity to use the beneficial investment conditions thanks to "+5%" offer.

We are grateful to all people who were involved in organizing and holding the conference in New Delhi, event guests and speakers! We are sure that such a bright event in terms of content and atmosphere will give a powerful impetus to further development of the project "Duyunov's motors" not only in India but around the globe!