When to expect the first products from "Sovelmash"

When to expect the first products from "Sovelmash"

In 2025, "Sovelmash" intends to launch the Design and Technological Bureau. While initially it was planned that "Sovelmash" would earn from developing innovative motors and setting them up for production for customers, thanks to investor support, a new additional opportunity has emerged—to manufacture its own products.

Currently, the company is preparing several products for production in different market segments. First, it is planned to launch and sell three models of angle grinders with an asynchronous drive based on Slavyanka. Then, production of drives for unmanned aerial vehicles with motors and controllers that surpass Chinese counterparts will begin.

The company is not wasting time waiting for the completion of construction and commissioning of "Sovelmash". Preparation for the launch of the enterprise was actively carried out last year and continues now: facilities are being equipped with specialized equipment, tooling is being prepared, etc. The goal in 2025 is to commence mass production and sales of the product.

You can buy a share in "Sovelmash" and become a co-owner of the business right now.

*The translation was carried out with the assistance of artificial intelligence.
