3 days before the investment stage change - 3 tips for the partners!

3 days before the investment stage change - 3 tips for the partners!

The stage change in the current SOLARGROUP project is an excellent opportunity for each of the partners to complete the additional legal transactions and encourage to extend the investment packages. You have only 3 days left! We have prepared 3 tips and will explain how to make the most out of these 3 days and close even more transactions.

Tip 1
Contact each client registered in your first line. It sounds trivial but now it's high time to remind about the expiring opportunities, congratulate each customer with the New Year and, of course, consolidate the relations for the whole next year. Do not aim at selling, just meet the customer and inform them about the latest project news. In the end of the conversation unobtrusively congratulate the customer with the New Year and remind about the coming change of the investment stage.

Tip 2
We are sure that there are people in your structure who miss the news about the stage change. You should use this fact and remind the investors about the benefit of investing in the company here and now. Use all the available insights: information that the funding is almost completed and the project has become the resident of the SEZ "Technolpolis Moscow". Tell about the company's plans for attracting new projects and mention that you invest too and trust in the business you are involved in.

Tip 3
Do not forget that the investment opportunities are equally open for all of us! If previously you were not able to invest a bigger amount or extend your package of shares, now it's high time to make up for that! Nobody knows better than the partners that the projects of SOLARGROUP hold a huge potential! SOLARGROUP is very meticulous at choosing business ideas and it's proved by such a huge interest of the investors from all over the world. Why don't we use this opportunity too?

By doing this easy work, we will support the project and prove once again that we trust in what we are doing. If not us, then who can change the world around us? The quality of life of people on the planet depends on each of us and the company SOLARGROUP is those people who really care about the future of mankind!