June 25, 2019 the project "Duyunov's motors" goes from financing stage 9 to stage 10

June 25, 2019 the project "Duyunov's motors" goes from financing stage 9 to stage 10

Stage 9 manifested itself in a lot of important and crucial events for the project "Duyunov's motors". Today we offer you to look back at all the milestone events that allowed the project to move ahead:

1) The lease agreement for the land lot at the "Alabushevo" site in the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" was signed and submitted for the state registration.

2) We did a big job in documentation and administration within the framework of preparing for the construction start of the design and engineering department (D3333E) - pre-design terms of reference got prepared, the general contractor was selected.

3) The agreements with the technical supervisor represented by the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" and general contractor represented by BLOCK a.s. were signed. Very soon the construction camp will be delivered to the Alabushevo site and the dates of the first construction activities will be set.

4) The exterior and interior design of the future design and engineering department was developed and demonstrated (the exterior facing materials will be changed).

5) ) In Zelenograd on the "SovElMash" territory the Capital Projects Department was organised that will control the process of constructing the future enterprise building.

6) The laboratory was expanded: the winding area is being established on the new premises. New equipment is being purchased for its operation. The testing area is being extended too: recently the new laser equipment for the technical processes has been accepted and will be used in production of the first pilot batch of general purpose industrial motors.

7) "SovElMash" developed the first Class IЕ3 motor in IЕ1 frame (its first iteration), a small batch of these motors is planned to be produced in order to collect more data, get statistical data taking into consideration the parameter spread and then to perform the second iteration.

It's important that nobody in the world has ever succeeded in developing class IЕ3 motor in IЕ1 frame, because class IЕ3 motors are bigger, heavier and more expensive than IЕ1.

For reference: there is a scale of energy efficiency IЕ1, IЕI2, Е3, IЕ4, where IЕ1 is the lowest class, IЕ4 - the highest.

8) Despite the scheduled equipment calibration in the laboratory, the company completed an important job started back in 2009: the specifications for general purpose industrial motors of sizes from 52 to 132 were obtained (about 7,500 models of electric motors).

9) The procedure of conducting comparative tests for general purpose industrial motors was completed and the tests were held.

10) The process of making SOLARGROUP a member of "SovElMash" founders was launched and is to be completed in June.

11) We got the audit report for "SovElMash" that ended without any faults and comments for the company and proved the fact that the company keeps accounting in due legal form.

12) On June 8 the conference of the project "Duyunov's motors" was held in Paris (France) where the first national representative office of the project "Duyunov's motors" was opened too.

13) All interested investors and partners were shown the main project documents: originals of incorporation documents, project business plan, SovElMash audit report, company's accounting and financial statement and more.

There were a lot of other events too, such as: public showing of the project process flow documentation by Dmitriy Duyunov that is in fact the plan of equipment purchase for the laboratory and future innovative company of "SovElMash", the decision was obtained on issuing one more patent which means growth of the company's intangible assets, a lot of project presentations were held in Russia and abroad: Minsk, Saint Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Benin.

All of these events allowed the project "Duyunov's motors" to reinforce its standing and make a big step ahead to stage 10.
At stage 10 everyone interested will get the opportunity to request and get the investment agreement, schedules to the agreement and hard copy of the certificate on the amount of shares using the new features of the back office.

The stage end means that the project investment shares will cost more. So for those who are making the decision on purchasing the company's shares, it's a good reason to hurry and become the investor under ultimately profitable conditions.

To compare the discounts follow the link - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TnCgeOpkjFjLgukSpbOc8SbNNs55LcdL0qkAOoMk6ms/edit