On December 15, the project "Duyunov's motors" goes to financing stage 12

On December 15, the project "Duyunov's motors" goes to financing stage 12

There is less than a month left until the end of stage 11!

Traditionally, let's remember the key events of the stage and its brightest moments.

The most large-scale International conference in the project history

On November 16, the national representative office was opened in India. Around 1000 people attended the conference in New Delhi dedicated to this event. This is a record high number of participants, two times bigger than the figures for the conferences in Moscow. Such attendance and activity of the audience speak volumes about the high interest of the Indians to the project.

This event is not the last one in the series of conferences held at stage 11. On November 30, the national representative office will be opened in Hungary. On December 7 - in Vietnam.

By opening national representative offices in different countries, we make the partner activity in these countries much more active, thus increasing the inflow of investments in the project.

The impressive growth of demand for the "Slavyanka" technology in Asia

New projects with the participation of Victor Arestov's company and motors modernized using the combined winding technology were launched in several countries.

South Korea is ordering a batch of 10,000 electric motorcycles and scooters with DA-90S and DA-100S motors from ASPP Weihai Technology. This is the first order of such a large scale with the "Slavyanka" technology applied for it.

In Thailand the "Slavyanka" technology got acknowledged at the highest level. Modernized motors underwent tests at the University of Bangkok and got the highest appraisal as compared to the rivals.
The project aimed at modernizing traditional Thai boats with diesel motors to make solar panel powered boats with combined winding motors was launched. The prototype model of such a boat was launched and shown to the prime minister of Thailand. The government of the country is interested in making river transport more environmentally friendly using Duyunov's technology.
The advantages of the Russian know-how are recognized at the Thai plants too. Two enterprises have already contacted Victor Arestov with a request to modernize the motors they currently have and that require too frequent and costly repair.

The project with the participation of Victor Arestov's company aimed at modernizing tuk-tuks with solar panels is underway in India.

Achievements of "SovElMash" laboratory

The bench tests confirmed the theoretical calculations.
Frame IE1 motors modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology confidently demonstrated classes IE3 and IE4 in energy efficiency tests.

The laboratory tests of the original controller developed by "SovElMash" were completed. After that, it was mounted on the frame of the electric bicycle "Gran" and is currently expecting performance tests.

New equipment

The company "SovElMash" continues to expand its premises for the new equipment and growing staff.

The following units have been put into operation at the enterprise:

- A press for assembling and mounting stators in the frame. It will enable assembling prototype models of stators by accurately and carefully aligning the stator pack with the rotor.

- A raster laser for engraving constituent parts.

Increasing any investment packages

Probably the best news for the investors! Let us remind you that only at stage 11 you can increase any investment package (closed, offer, paid in instalments) using the discount of the stage it was purchased at. This is a unique opportunity that we have never offered before! It won't be available after the end of the current stage too. Besides, the discount for shares will grow considerably at the next stage.

Hurry to increase your investment packages or open new ones under the most beneficial conditions! There is less than a month left until December 15.