"Slavyanka" technology in Duyunov's reference guide!

"Slavyanka" technology in Duyunov's reference guide!

Meet the reference guide "Combined windings for electric machines" authored by Dmitriy and Evgeniy Duyunov.

The unique edition contains detailed technical data about the patented "Slavyanka" technology and will teach the peculiarities of rewinding standard three-phase induction motors to energy-efficient models using the combined winding technology "star in delta" to the practical experts in this field.

The reference guide offers insight in the principles of designing and recalculating standard winding types to combined ones, provides practical recommendations for independent production of combined winding motors in the right way for various applications.

Following the recommendations of this reference guide, every practical expert can independently modernize the operating or non-operating electric motor.

The special value of the book is over 150 combined winding diagrams for the most widespread combinations of the number of slots and pairs of poles that graphically demonstrate the principle of applying "Slavyanka".

Also in the handbook you will find the protocols of the technology test bench tests in Bologna and Düsseldorf Universities and the pictures of vehicles with the motors modernized using Duyunov's technology.

There is a bonus – the reference guide contains a QR code with the link to the online updatable data base of useful practical materials and recommendations.

The first edition of this unique scientific textbook was published on December 18, 2017.

Who is this reference guide for?

1. The reference guide will be primarily interesting for those keen on the advantages of implementing the invention of Dmitriy Duyunov but discouraged by doubts concerning the technology efficiency. Having tested the opportunities of modernized motors in practice, you will make certain that "Slavyanka" works!

2. The book will draw special interest of those who work on making and modernizing electric transport. Using the "Slavyanka" technology for rewinding electric motors improves the energy consumption class to IE3 - IE4, and consequently increases the power and drive range while reducing energy consumption level. These assumptions have been proved by multiple tests of modernized motors.

3. The reference guide is also aimed at small business owners, winding specialists of small enterprises and repair shops. The reference guide will help practicing winding specialists to master the patented combined winding method and provide them with detailed practical instructions. Getting a competitive edge thanks to the innovative technology that significantly improves motor performance will result in you earning more money!

4. The edition will be interesting for engineers and technicians of major repair enterprises, power engineers for various national economy branches and public utilities responsible for developing technical measures of reducing specific energy consumption, increasing equipment reliability and reducing maintenance expenses. Using Duyunov's technology, you will reduce energy consumption at your enterprise and ensure better reliability of electric machines.

Can the provisions of the Reference guide be used for commercial activity?

All technical solutions provided in the book are protected by the patents of the Russian Federation. The rightholder of the patent rights is OOO "AS and PP". It means that using the combined winding technology is allowed for personal gain only. For commercial-scale implementation of the "Slavyanka" technology it's necessary to buy the license from the rightholder. You can do it here: https://as-pp.ru/

How can you buy the reference guide?
You can order the reference guide to be delivered to any place in the world by completing the order form via the link https://sovelmash.ru/handbook.html. After that you will receive the letter with payment details and the handbook will be delivered by mail.

The price of the handbook is 20,000 Russian roubles, and every rouble of its price will pay off manifold during the first year of using a modernized electric motor.