How eco-technologies improve people's lives

How eco-technologies improve people's lives

The 21st century has given the world not only new discoveries but also challenges. Growing industrial production increases the availability of goods and services for the planet's inhabitants, but at the same time ramps up the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and accelerates climate change.

The leaders of developed countries have already realized what extremely harmful impact industrial development has on the environment and are urgently implementing innovative solutions in the field of energy efficiency and green technologies.

The emergency environmental situation on the planet has caused global changes that have taken place in the world:

- Over the past 3 years, the amount of investments in projects related to environmental protection has increased by 34 %, this data is provided by the company Business Green. Besides, the number of manufacturing companies that implement "eco" standards in their activity is constantly growing worldwide.

- The number of electric buses that go on routes in China every day has exceeded 300 thousand units! The government of China has made a revolution in the field of public transport setting a new global trend. Despite the fact that electric transport is more expensive than diesel vehicles, the operation of electric buses assures significant savings alongside a complete absence of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, which successfully solves the problem of air pollution in modern megacities.

- US households are massively switching to energy-efficient LED lamps. According to experts forecast, the market share of this type of lighting will reach 84 % by 2030, while the country will save 40 % of the electricity amount consumed at the moment. This means that it will significantly reduce the damage that electricity production causes to the environment.

- Wind power in Scotland has become cheaper than gas for the first time in history. In the first half of 2019 the local wind turbines produced twice as much energy as the country needs for domestic consumption. Its cost decreased by 31 % compared to the price set in 2017, and amounted to 40 pounds per megawatt hour (MWh). A great alternative to ecologically unfriendly gas power plants!

- In Ukraine, technology for producing paper from fallen leaves has been developed. The innovative solution won the grand prix at the inventors ' competition in the United States, and 2 years later the first batch of eco-paper was produced. The calculations have shown that the fallen leaves from only one region of Ukraine are enough to get an annual supply of cardboard for the whole country. The process of processing raw materials takes place at a temperature of up to 40 °C, and therefore does not generate harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

The development and widespread introduction of "green" technologies benefits the environment and, therefore, the quality of life of billions of people. That's why SOLARGROUP's mission is to support innovative projects that are aimed at reducing the negative impact of human industrial activity, and implementing smart and energy-efficient inventions to preserve earth's flora and fauna.

If you relate to our goals, join the SOLARGROUP partner program and start making money on the most eco-friendly and noble business in the world!

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