Results of the week in the Duyunov's Motors project
Sovelmash D&E news
Last week Sovelmash continued preparations for putting the enterprise into operation and starting serial production.
• Specialists began assembling the auxiliary equipment needed for the high-pressure aluminum casting machine.
• The process of setting up the injection molding machine began, the first loading of raw materials into the machine was performed.
• The stamping machine was relocated to its place in the shop.
• Assembly of the five-axis machine unit continued.
• A seven-operation die for manufacturing the electromagnetic system of the angle grinder and tooling for casting aluminum parts of the angle grinder were delivered to the D&E.
• Blanks for final products manufactured by Sovelmash were made.
Acquiring company's shares
The functionality of acquiring company's shares in the back office was launched for France, Belgium, Luxembourg and French Guiana. Now the opportunity to file a request to exchange investment shares for company's shares is already available for 102 countries.
Current offers
Investors Book. Inscribe your name on a special page of the Investors Book in the Duyunov's Motors project by purchasing a special package. The offer is valid until the Sovelmash D&E is put into operation.