Questions&Answers. Is there a risk of the project underfunding?

Questions&Answers. Is there a risk of the project underfunding?

The aim of the project "Duyunov's motors" is raising funds for construction of the "SovElMash" innovative center.

"Is there a possibility that this amount will not be raised?" - this question is of interest for the project participants. Dmitriy Duyunov answered it in one of the episodes of the "Expert Time" program. Watch his response in the video.

According to the developer of the "Slavyanka" technology, any serious project should be prepared for the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, such as the coronavirus pandemic. They can reduce the amount of investment and increase the risk of underfunding. At the project start, there was a guarantee provided for this case without which it would have been impossible to become the resident of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow": the agreement between "SovElMash" and a major investor concerning additional funding if deemed necessary.

Over the three years of its development, the "SovElMash" project has increased its tangible and intangible assets. They can serve as a collateral for obtaining a loan if needed. However, both methods of additional funding - attracting a major investor and borrowing from a bank — are unprofitable, first and foremost, for the investors. Therefore, both SOLARGROUP that represents the investors' interests, and "SovElMash" are doing everything possible to ensure that the project is sufficiently funded and develops according to the plan. Now all the plans are being successfully implemented, although with some deviations and delays due to the pandemic or other circumstances that cannot be completely avoided.

Dmitriy Duyunov assures that the project will be implemented in any case!