TOP 5 of the partner mistakes

TOP 5 of the partner mistakes

This will help you understand what it takes to become a successful partner of SOLARGROUP. This will help you understand what it takes to become a successful partner of SOLARGROUP.

Place 3. Poor knowledge of the project.

Even one unsuccessful consultation when you were not able to correctly answer the question of a potential investor severely affects your career and reputation.
So learn the basics and details of the project thoroughly!

Do not try to delve into the technical details if you are not an expert in this field. Most investors do not need to know the advantages of Duyunov's hub motors over BLDC motors. They want to know how much and when they will profit. What are the financial risks? What are the guarantees of reliability? That's what you need to learn!

If you clearly understand the goals of the project, easily navigate its financial and legal model, know the development history and other key points, you become a real expert for those who are interested in the project. This is when the first sales usually start.

Place 2. Lack of enthusiasm for the project.

Ask yourself honestly: "Do I believe in the project?" If you don't have genuine enthusiasm, you won't be able to attract other people.

To be successful, a partner needs to live and breathe the project. When you are really passionate about what you do, everyone family member and friend knows about it: from your flatmate to the taxi driver who gave you a lift. As soon as you do 50% of the work on informing others, you will take to partner business like a duck to water. Usually at this point there are about 10 transactions in the partner's account .

You will believe in yourself and your abilities. Your voice will become confident, it will be perceived by others in a different way. This will motivate you to find new customers!
By the time you complete a series of transactions, you will have developed your own system of actions necessary for achieving success. Improve it and pass it to the partners who want to earn together with you. Building a strong team is important in our business, and the team will need your experience. We will tell you in the future how to create and develop your system of generating income.

But even before you begin to create your own system of work, you are very likely to make the most important mistake.

In a week, we'll tell you about the last and most common mistake that you probably don't even know about!

Ask questions, share your experience of partnership in the comments. And don't forget to correct your mistakes!

Give your like to this post. And in exactly a week's time you'll find out what else is worth working on seriously!