The project "Duyunov's motors" takes part in Renwex 2019 exhibition

The project "Duyunov's motors" takes part in Renwex 2019 exhibition

June 18-20, 2019 in Moscow Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre", the annual exhibition Renwex 2019 is held, dedicated to implementing renewable energy sources in Russian energy industry.
The event goal is all-encompassing acquaintance with the cutting-edge technologies in renewable energy sources and increasing the use of the latest solutions at the key-importance energy facilities in the Russian Federation thanks to boosting international cooperation and technology transfer. In the registered participants list there are exhibits from Austria, Germany, China, The Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Russian Federation, and it means the event is going to be very interesting!

One of the final tasks of the exhibition is assisting in implementing the "Russia's energy strategy up to 2035" according to which using alternative energy sources, implementing innovations and increasing energy efficiency of technologies are the key tasks of the energy industry for the next few years.

Due to this reason, the project "Duyunov's motors" will feature here two already well-known exhibits which graphically demonstrate the energy efficient technology "Slavyanka" in action: electric car Renault Twizy and electric bicycle "Escort".

On June 19 Alexander Sudarev will make a speech at the event on behalf of "SovElMash" describing the capabilities of Duyunov's motors and giving a detailed account of the effect the "Slavyanka" technology applied for regular motors provides as compared with similar standard motors.
The potential saving amounting to 30-40 % thanks to using the energy efficient Duyunov's motors will be definitely interesting for the participants of Renwex 2019, that's why the project team is already getting ready for new useful acquaintances and expecting considerable growth of our technology recognition not only in Russia but also abroad.