Opening the national representative office in India: how it benefits the Indians

Opening the national representative office in India: how it benefits the Indians

The international conference of the project "Duyunov's motors" impressed with its scale and high quality of event organization. It became the most large-scale in terms of the number of participants for the whole history of the project - there were around 1,000 guests in New Delhi. This is an impactful result of the huge scope of preparatory activities that the team of SOLARGROUP tackled in a very short timeframe.

We have provided all the conditions to make investment and partner activity in India as effective as possible.

The verification processes in the project were adjusted.
The opportunity to make unconstrained payments and withdraw money was provided for the Indians.
There is a Hindi version of the website and back office.
The technical support was organized in the native language for the citizens of India.
The project news are issued regularly in Hindi, all videos have subtitles.
The webinars and meetings are held regularly for the Indian investors and people interested in the project and technology.

With the conference date approaching, the contract with the national partner of the project and the company SOLARGROUP in India. This is Gulshan Kumar Birdi.
We can say with certainty that the Indians got all the privileges the countries with national representative offices have.

A lot of time, human and financial resources were spent to organize the conference in New Delhi. But even before the event it became clear that the efforts we'd put into it were not in vain, they paid off.

The international conference of "Duyunov's motors" was very well received by the citizens of India. And this is the second country worldwide after Russia with the largest number of investors and growing amount of investments in the project. The potential of its market is huge. India is a country where people need our technology due to a lot of environmental concerns. Specifically, they understand that Duyunov's electric motors can considerably help cleaning the air in big cities. The government of India and business representatives are also expressing interest to the technology in their country. It's proved by the successful projects of Victor Arestov.

The mass media in India and the Asian region couldn't but talk about such a large-scale event. And that means that the combined winding technology became even more popular among the general public. The investment flow in the project increased that brought "Duyunov's motors" closer to the final goal.