Clearing vegetation at "SovElMash" construction site: the green light given

Clearing vegetation at "SovElMash" construction site: the green light given

Good news arrived from "SovElMash". The company has signed a compensation agreement that will allow to clear vegetation and shrubbery at the construction site in "Alabushevo".

Another significant milestone has been passed, without completing which it was impossible to start the construction of the design and engineering technology department.
To recap, in 2020 "SovElMash" has fulfilled several important tasks as part of preparation for the construction:
- successfully passed all the checks by various state agencies;
- received a positive expert review report based on the results of the state examination of the project documentation;
- signed an agreement with the new contractor, the company "HAKA Moscow";
- obtained a construction permit;
- carried out the greatest possible preparation of the site for construction;
- got the process of manufacturing the metal building frame launched.

We have been waiting for signing the compensation agreement for quite a long time, since we received the construction permit on October 15, 2020.
Now we can state: one more mandatory stage has been passed before starting the main construction works. In the near future, clearing the site for the construction of the design and engineering technology department will begin. The other preparatory works have already been completed: the temporary utilities and roads have been made, the construction camp and the drainage system are ready. Part of the metal structures have already been delivered to the site, they will be used for assembling the building frame.

The project is moving forward only towards its goal.
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