News from the "SovElMash" construction site

News from the "SovElMash" construction site

The construction activities are well underway at the company's site in "Alabushevo". What was done by the end of October? Let's sum up the interim results.

- The construction camp is completely ready. This will enable a team of workers to begin construction of the permanent facilities. Premises for the builders meet the modern standards, they provide all the conditions for comfortable work and recreation of the professionals.

- 70% of the temporary roads have been made. They are built along the perimeter of the site with no trees. The ground has been levelled, the sand - spread, and the concrete slabs - put on top. The construction equipment will move around the site on them.

- The detailed engineering documentation for the temporary utilities is being developed. It will be used by the builders as a guide to action. Part of the temporary utilities (water and electricity supply, drainage) have already been connected.

- A felling permit is being prepared — a document required to start cutting down those trees that interfere with the construction on the site.

To recap, the construction permit was also obtained in October: this event acted as a catalyst for the construction process. So far, all the activities are being carried out in full compliance with the preliminary construction schedule.

Watch the latest video from the site where the "SovElMash" design and engineering technology department will be constructed, and continue to follow the project news!