Several days left before the stage change: guidelines to follow for the project investors

Several days left before the stage change: guidelines to follow for the project investors

On December 16, investment stage 12 of "Duyunov's motors" starts. What do you need to do to get the maximum opportunities from the current stage?

For those who didn't invest in the project earlier

With every new development stage, the discount for the investment shares is reduced. It means that less shares can be purchased for the same amount of money. That's why if you have been postponing investing, now it's high time to start acting!
Assess the project achievements and prospects: it will help you with taking
a well-informed decision.
Step 1. Learn the comprehensive and the most up-to-date information about the project that we regularly publish in our official social media.
Step 2. Register on the project website /auth/registration and then undergo verification.
Step 3. Follow the instructions in the back office to choose and purchase the package of investment shares. You can purchase it in a single payment or in instalments.
Step 4. Get the investment agreement and schedules to it in both electronic and hard copy (both formats have the same legal effect).

For those who already invested in the project until stage 11

Only within the course of the few days left until the stage change, you have a unique opportunity to extend your package using the discount of the package purchase date! You can increase absolutely any package: closed, paid in instalments or offer. These conditions are especially beneficial for those who invested in the project at the first stages.

How can you do this?
Step 1. Contact the project technical support and provide information about the package you want to increase (price, instalment plan with the number of months, stage)
Step 2. Follow the instructions sent to your e-mail.
Step 3. Increase the selected package in the back office within 72 hours after you get the instructions. If you don't do that, the opportunity will no longer be available.
Take into considerations the fact that when increasing the package, you might need additional funds on the main account due to the difference in monthly payment amounts.

For those who want to make a New Year gift for a friend.

Every investor of "Duyunov's motors" can make a gift of 100 investment shares to any person who is not registered in the project back office yet.

To do that, enter your back office and click "Make a gift".
Enter your friend's first and last names, e-mail and phone number and make them happy with a useful surprise gift! Please let your friend know that the gift shares will be kept on his account only if the verification procedure is completed within one month after getting the notification to the e-mail.

Use the most beneficial investment conditions! Developing the project "Duyunov's motors" you are contributing to your future well-being.