Let's complete the project "Duyunov's motors": "Regional Bonus" offer

Let's complete the project "Duyunov's motors": "Regional Bonus" offer

Construction of the "Sovelmash" engineering center has reached the stage when your investment can significantly accelerate the construction pace. The thermal envelope of the building has been fully closed and the floors have been poured with concrete. Interior partitions are being installed on all the floors. Earthwork to connect the building to the heating pipeline is in progress. You can find the video report from the construction site here.

Earlier many activities were performed consecutively, but now the construction workers can carry them out simultaneously. Therefore, the more investments are coming into the project, the faster the D&E construction will be completed, "Sovelmash" will start generating revenues, and you will begin getting dividends.

We have launched the "Regional Bonus" offer to complete the project funding in the coming months. Until December 17 inclusive, buy a new package, upsize your active or already paid package, and get 20% extra shares.

Important conditions!

  • You can upsize both the package you are paying for in installments and the one you have fully repaid. Upsizing a closed package at its discount is a rare opportunity in the project, which is open only within the "Regional Bonus" offer.
  • Only within the offer you have access to preferential installment recovery conditions. Make one monthly payment, your investment package will be restored, after which you will be able to upsize it or buy a new package at its discount.
  • We will credit the bonus shares only after you repay the package in full. In case the installment plan gets cancelled, the bonuses will permanently expire.
  • The offer is valid for the citizens of India in connection with the SOLARGROUP conference that was held in your country.


Hurry to invest to increase the number of your shares and future dividends. Tell the partners, investors and new participants from India about the offer. More investment means faster project completion. Everything is in our hands!