"SovElMash" innovative centre: why the project "Duyunov's motors" needs it

"SovElMash" innovative centre: why the project "Duyunov's motors" needs it

The project "Duyunov's motors" is based on the unique combined winding technology "Slavyanka" for induction motors.

Not so long ago the company "SovElMash" finished the main part of work on the first original development model - general purpose industrial electric motor.

Its uniqueness consists in being the first in the world electric motor that has the performance features of high energy efficiency class IE3, meanwhile it's made in the frame of size 90 IE1 motor and has the corresponding basic dimensions.

The project team are often asked the following question: "Why don't you start selling the developments? Why do you need to put so many efforts and assets into the construction of the design and engineering department if you can make a profit in a simpler way right now?"

This is an important question we have to address. In one of the recent interviews for Alexander Sudarev, Dmitriy Duyunov elaborated on it. He named several reasons why the project needs the innovative centre in "Technopolis "Moscow".

Expertise proof

Every customer ordering an electric motor wants to have guarantees that the development complies with their requirements and they can mass produce it using their own capacities. The innovative centre will allow to organize the whole mass production cycle for motors of different sizes as well as testing them.

Thus, "SovElMash" will be able to provide quality proof for the developments and help the customers organize motor mass production.

Developing the technology and range of developments

Dmitriy Duyunov's team expects that the future design and engineering department will allow to develop motors of various sizes and capacities.

"SovElMash" has already made the calculations for developing a 6.5 MW motor. There are ongoing talks with potential customers about even bigger motors.
To implement such orders, the company needs corresponding conditions to be provided.

Technology and company safety

In the modern world stealing intellectual property is not a rare occasion. The company "SovElMash" takes care of protecting its developments from mala fide customers.
Only having a well-adjusted electric motor mass production cycle and the results of its testing, it will be possible to hand the development to the customer together with the accompanying documentation for launching the production.

Otherwise, it may result in the customer blaming "SovElMash" for breaking the terms of the agreement due to not being able to organize the production of motors using their own capacities. This will lead to financial losses and inflict permanent damage to the company's reputation.

We have named only part of reasons why the innovative centre is so important for the project. There are other equally important reasons. They motivate the project founders and investors to complete the construction of the design and engineering department competently and in due time.