Live broadcast with the airship developers and project curators

Live broadcast with the airship developers and project curators

We are starting regular broadcasts about the technical side and implementation of the "New Generation Airships" project!

Today, August 15, at 15:00 Moscow time, the first webinar will take place.

Streaming on Zoom.

Speakers of the broadcast:

• Deputy Chief Designer of JSC "Aerostatika" Dmitry Khmel, head of projects for the creation of a two-tier cabin airship and a transport airship with a lifting capacity of up to 40 tons,
• Project Curator Fyodor Konstantinov,
• Head of Advertising and Public Relations at SOLARGROUP Pavel Filippov.

What will we talk about at the webinar

- Technical aspects related to airships, their development, production, operation.
- Project news, progress of its implementation.
- Answers to your questions.

The broadcast will be held in 6 languages: Russian, English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese and Hindi.

Join us to stay up to date with the development of the project!