On October 01 the project "Duyunov's motors" goes to financing stage 11

On October 01 the project "Duyunov's motors" goes to financing stage 11

September 30 is the last day of stage 10. The project will cross its halfway point!

This period has already been signified by several very important achievements.
The key ones are pulling through the bureaucratic red tape which allowed to start the construction of the "SovElMash" innovative centre and also sustainable expansion of the project geographic reach consolidated by opening several national representative offices.

Let's draw the interim results of the past two months of the current stage and remember the most outstanding and significant events.

The project development and innovative centre construction

Before the construction start of the desgn and engineering department, it was necessary to prepare a large amount of documentation and pass through a lot of red tape.
The land lease agreement for the innovative centre construction in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" was officially registered in Rosreestr (the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography).
This event gave a kick-start to the preparatory activities at the site. The equipment started to clear the site from vegetation and prepare the terrain for erecting the hoarding. On September 6 at the site entrance the information banner with the construction project data will be put.

It became known what the main building of the design and engineering department would be like. The building will be devided into 2 parts: administration and amenity and production parts. There will be a show room and conference hall too..

Developments, new equipment and certifying the "SovElMash" laboratory

On August 30 the representatives of "Gosstandard" (State Committee for Standards and Product Quality Management) visited "SovElMash" and checked the operation of the test bench. The equipment demonstrated faultless operation and successfully passed the state certification procedure! Now all the measurements made on the test bench for rotating electric machines will be officially accepted around the globe. It will allow "SovElMash" to certify their own inhouse-produced motors.

Several more units of modern equipment were purchased. Among them there is the third load bank for testing rotating electric machines and the foundation for it. The new equipment allows to test motors with the power up to 70 kW with the torque up to 600 N/m. That will enable completing higher-level tasks and accept more serious orders.
The casting shop of "SovElMash" is now equipped with a pelletizer processing small-sized metal materials into pellets for subsequent use.

The "SovElMash" inhouse controller has been refined. The first pilot batch of the controller consisting of 10 units is currently in production. In September the team will start testing the first samples.

New achievements of the project partners

The popularity of the "Slavyanka" technology keeps on growing in Russia and around the globe, among other things due to the developments of the leading partners based on using combined winding motors. In China Victor Arestov tested a golf cart powered by solar panels with a DA-100S motor and K-Cross motorcycle. The latter managed to develop the speed of over 100 km/hour.
In Obninsk Andrey Lobov equipped the motor sled and quadrunner with a DA-90S motor. The motors demonstrate impressive power, reliability, do not overheat under harsh conditions of vehicle hire in "Etnomir". Thanks to that, the local authorities got interested in the prospects of applying the technology within the framework of the "Smart City" project.

The project popularity growth in Russia and abroad
At stage 10 the project is extending its geographic reach by at the unprecedented pace and is enhancing its communication channels.

- On August 03 at the conference held in the capital of Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan, the official opening of the first national representative office of "Duyunov's motors" in the world took place. In September similar events will be held in two more countries. On September 07 - in Hamburg! On September 28 - in Sofia, Bulgaria.

- The project customer support is now lent in German, French and English.

- The official "SovElMash" website in Russian was launched. It's being fine-tuned and filled with content. The resource will be also translated into English and other foreign languages.

- Weekly webinars in a new format were launched streamed from the territory of "SovElMash" in Zelenograd. The company staff take part in the online sessions, the most up-to-date project topics are discussed. The daytime was chosen especially for the convenience of the participants residing in the regions remote from Moscow.

The end of stage 10 will be just as impactful as its results!

On September 21 the most large-scale international conference of "Duyunov's motors" is held. It takes place in the congress centre of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" and gathers over 500 participants from around the world. For the conference participants the inspection of the "SovElMash" land lot is organized where the future innovative centre will be constructed.

There is less than a month left until the end of stage 10!

As a reminder to the investors, during this stage you have a chance to unfreeze your instalment plans and make all the missed payments!

Now it's high time to make a decision on purchasing the companys investment shares. They will cost more at the next stage.

Follow the link to compare the discounts for stage 10 and 11 https://goo.gl/zmcovV

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